The men commanding this supremacy of unfairness and overestimation |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Bill Gates when he tries
to look like a gentlemen |
Bill Gates when his hypocrisy strikes him back |
Steve Ballmer, the other
big boss, lesser known from the masses |
Flagrant errors, bad declarations, failures,
unfair actions, Powhertz is proud to present the chart of the worst things
that the company Microsoft did in 2001! There are so much that
it's easy to forget some, but here are the ones that were written down by
Powhertz all year long. Every year would be a good one to make that kind of chart
with Microsoft, but you'll notice that 2001 is particularly good! Enjoy! |
October 25th was the release date of Windows XP, but was also the date
of one of the biggest controversies on the Web in 2001. Suddenly, the MSN
network, including the main page of the portal, started to block
access to non-Microsoft Web browsers, displaying only an unfriendly message
in black on white asking them to "upgrade" their browser to Internet Explorer
or MSN Explorer. Microsoft pretended that this move was based on technological
reasons, what representatives of Opera, one of the browsers that were the
most affected by this new act of disloyal competition, proved the contrary
with ease. Microsoft was saying that a Microsoft browser was necessary to
surf the new version of the site because IE and MSN Explorer were apparently
the only ones to respect properly the XHTML standard, but Opera proved to
everybody that itself was failing the official compatibility tests
to XHTML!... Finally realizing that were not helping themselves much, Microsoft
re-established the access to all browsers 2 days later and as expected, MSN's
XHTML was displaying as nice in Netscape, Opera, Konqueror or Mozilla than
in Internet Explorer or MSN Explorer!
In May, Microsoft admitted having a secret backdoor on all of his IIS (Internet
Information Services) Web servers using the FrontPage 98 extensions. The
password, that Microsoft pretends to be secret but that a lot of hackers
certainly have and don't reveal to anybody, puts a big question mark on the
security and privacy levels of IIS. The news did not affect IIS' market share
too much though since it is already very low (Apache has twice as much the
market share of Microsoft IIS).
Menaced by the strong growth of the Chinese distribution Red Flag Linux
in China, Microsoft has stroke a deal with the main Chinese PC manufacturers
foreseeing that from now, every new PC model to be release in this country
would be automatically loaded with Microsoft Windows XP. In other words,
the Chinese guy who will want to buy a PC without wanting to pay for the
$150 (and up) extra for WinXP won't have any other alternative than buying
a "clone", something that frightens many consumers. This news was announced
in early December.
In mid-February, Jim Allchin, one of the main project leaders of Microsoft
Windows, has made a declaration that became famous by its impertinence and
that will certainly haunt him back someday: "Free open source stifles innovation"
and is a "threat to the American way".
Microsoft introduces, with Windows XP, a new licensing philosophy for
consumers that caused problems to many people. This philosophy is "one copy,
one installation", which means that a person who purchases his boxed copy
of Windows XP cannot install the copy he bought on his two or three
personal computers anymore. We easily understand the goal that is fighting
piracy, but could we really force a consumer to pay twice the exhorbitant
price of Windows XP to install it on two different PCs while it is exactly
the same client and exactly the same product? Not only the philosophy is
wrong, but the technology is too. To determine if the copy was already installed,
Windows generates a unique key based on the identification number of the
product and various data on the hardware of the computer on which it was
installed. This way of working could then cause problems in the case when
a person changes his hardware configuration. Someone who, for example, changes
his processor, might have to contact Microsoft again if he ever has to reinstall
its Windows. In fact, this is only one of the two major issues of this technology,
the other one being that the hackers of this world did not have too much
trouble finding solutions to go around the problem and allowing the distribution
of illegal copies that work on multiple PCs.
While the security holes are a regular and famous thing with Windows, Internet
Explorer and Outlook, few people had doubts about their little Windows Media
Player putting them in danger. That was the case though in May as two major
security holes were officially reported. Both were affecting Windows Media
Player 6.4 and 7.0, allowing hackers to access files and execute malicious
code on a victim's PC. A patch has been released to fix those bugs, but
many innocents had the time to be caught before that. Also, as if it wasn't
enough, a 3rd vulnerability of that kind was publicly revealed in November,
requiring yet another patch! Of course, no similar security vulnerability
has never been found in a Winamp, for example.
In November, Microsoft was proposing a settlement for over a hundred
private class-action law suits. The total value of this proposition was
estimated at US$1 billion, which does not cover the totality of the damage
done by their reprovable behaviour (that, by the way, was proven in court),
but was still a remarkable effort. The real problem is how this billion was
spent... A big part of it would have been used (in the case that this proposition
was accepted, which was however declined by a federal judge) in Windows licenses
in less fortunate school of the USA. Of course, Apple and Red Hat yelled
out loud against this proposed settlement; Microsoft would be "penalized"
by imposing Windows in a domain, education, where MacOS still has a market
share and where Red Hat Linux is progressing! In other words, Microsoft intended
to use his penalties at his own advantage, by stealing a little bit of its
rivals' market share in schools and making themselves look more generous
that they really are, since $250 in software value (more or less the equivalent
of a mluti-user Windows) certainly costs less than $100 produce for its
maker but still count for $250 in the $billion.
In August, the Seattle Times published an article on Microsoft that was
caught sending false letters of support in them to the attorney general of
Utah aiming at this state to retire, like the New Mexico had already did,
from the landmark antitrust lawsuit against the American department of justice.
The Utah found that after numerous wrong signature imitations, uses of dead
citizen names and invalid return addresses. Also, certain exact sentences
were found in many different letters.
2001 has seen the release of Microsoft FrontPage 2002, new version of
the popular (although all critics put it far behind Macromedia Dreamweaver
on any technical or pricing aspect) Web pages editor. It's the license of
this product that made a big controversy as InfoWorld was pointing everyone
out (nobody ever really reads those small characters) to the following excerpt
in the legal terms of use: "You may not use the Software in connection
with any site that disparages Microsoft, MSN, MSNBC, Expedia, or their products
or services, infringe any intellectual property or other rights of these
parties, violate any state, federal or international law, or promote racism,
hatred or pornography." So, according to Microsoft, anyone who doesn't
like one or many of their products should be censored...
In January, most sites from the big Microsoft/MSN network have been down
for over 22 consecutive hours. The outage was first believed to be due to
an hackers attack but was finally found to have been only errors from their
network technicians. As it wasn't enough for them, Microsoft has then been
a victim of a real vast hackers attack while they were just getting up from
this major downtime.
Another case linked to Internet Explorer 6. In the new version of their
browser, Microsoft decided to remove their famous "page not found" page (when
you don't have the right address or that you simply made a little mistake
when entering it in the URL bar) and searches for the content of your erroneous
entry on his (false) search engine MSN Search.
Responding to heavy criticism, Microsoft has decided to release an Office
XP the traditional way (one unique payment, unlimited use) instead of the
expected new way "pay on use" or "software as a service", philosophies of
Microsoft's new .Net strategy. Since this new philosophy was the biggest change
between Office 2000 and Office XP, Microsoft had to compensate with a very
expensive ads campaign which slogan looked much more like a defense than
an offense: "Easier is better".
The Webmail service Hotmail was hacked once more, quieted Microsoft who
was hoping to prove the security level of Windows 2000 Server by migrating
Hotmail, formerly independant and purchased by Microsoft in 1998, from FreeBSD
to Windows 2000.
While many declarations from high-graded Microsoft employees wanted to
make us believe that the Redmond giant was seeing no serious threat in
Linux, an internal memo from the company's operating systems division, that
slipped from Microsoft and was published on the Web in November, really proved
the opposite; it's a panic! Here is the most important part of this memo:
"Linux is the long-term threat against our core business. I need
you to make sure that as many of these customers as possible continue to
migrate off of UNIX, but on to Windows 2000 on Intel. You should be smothering
your accounts from every angle, and if you see Linux and/or IBM in there
with it, then get all over it. Don't lose a single win to Linux.
". This memo was written by a boss of the Windows division.
Microsoft announced, in October, its pricing for the future developers
of .Net applications. The less we can say is that Microsoft is not very thankful
with the programmers who contribute in maintaining Windows' supremacy with
home users. The prices are pretty expensive, going up to US$2799 for the
annual membership to the Microsoft Developer Network, not counting the VisualStudio.Net
applications suite itself that can cost up to $2499! I even read from a serious
source that an extra fee of US$1500 per .Net application created was applicable,
but I can't confirm that statement because this information cannot be found
on VisualStudio.Net 's official Web site (
However, if this was true, that would mean that a developer could find himself
paying a total of nearly $6800 to create his own application... Say, have
you ever been charged to develop in JAVA or Perl?
Microsoft saved themselves from the worst by finally deciding to remove
their "Smart Tags" technology from the final version of Internet Explorer
6, but Internet Explorer 6 Public Preview 2 was still there to witness
that it it wasn't only rumors but another real evil plan of Microsoft. The
goal of the Smart Tags was to automatically generate, without consent of
any Web site administrator, links in the Web sites visited under Internet
Explorer. With the Smart Tags, every received Web page was pre-scanned and
modified to make certain keywords clickable... generally to redirect the
user to Microsoft sites! The controversy around the Smart Tags was so powerful
that Microsoft, which first thought of deactivating them by default, finally
decided to remove them completely from the final version of IE 6.
In a serious survey published all around the Web in August, Microsoft ranked
last of all US Internet service providers (ISPs) for the consumer satisfaction
rate. The service provider MSN, which is having only a fraction of AOL's number
of subscribers, had more unsatisfied clients than AOL.
Microsoft looked dumb when software pirates finally revealed them
their trick take the control of a remote PC without authorization, passing
through security holes in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, vulnerabilities
that were there since version 97 of these titles and that were still there
in Office XP!
Privacy problem with Office XP. It's bug-reporting functions, used along
with Internet Explorer 5, can send personal data (so potentially confidential)
to Microsoft in the name of helping the debugging of Office.
The WPA (Windows Product Activation) was introduced in 2002. What it changes
to the most common PC user is that he has 30 days after his installation of
Windows XP to "activate" its product, after what this installation becomes
unusable. This activation can be made through Internet, but what about the
half (and up) of the population who don't have an Internet connection at home?
Those people have got to contact Microsoft, wait on the phone and make the
activation of their Windows speaking to a representative, a pretty annoying
Looking to make even more money, Microsoft changed, in 2001, its products
licensing policy for enterprises. While Microsoft was pretending that most
enterprises would pay less under these new conditions, an exhaustive study
rather suggested that about 80% of all enterprises would pay more for their
Windows and Office licenses with this new policy. Over the third of the respondants
to this survey said that this price raise might make them consider more economic
alternatives, which is pretty bad for Microsoft!
We don't know if it's by lack of time or lack of skills, but Microsoft
finally decided to drop the support of the important connectivity standard
USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2.0 from Windows XP. This will be a separate patch,
which is still unavailable while writing those lines, that will provide this
support, which is another good example of Microsoft's philosophy to market
products as quickly as possible and give its clients the responsibility to
download the necessary patches on the Internet, looking like they think that
all clients of Windows have a high-speed Internet connection or an phone-line
Internet connection and a good patience.
Microsoft's problems are generally much more in the product itself than
its advertising. That's why a gaffe in their advertising retained so much
my attention. In the following
(French), that Microsoft sent me personally by mail, the promotion is
"Acquire the software [Office XP] before January 31st 2002 and get two free
technical support requests [...] in the six months following your purchase."
... What an mistake! Everyone expects this support to be free for any client
of the product, so announcing a promotion like that is like telling everybody
"no, our tech support is not even free, but buy now and we'll help you twice
for free when you'll be lost in our menus". By the way, Microsoft has also
ended, this year, the free support for Office 97, which is still their most
popular applications suite.
In the beginning of last summer, Microsoft was invited in court once again,
this time by InterTrust Technologies of which the Redmond giant voilated the
copyrights in his latest Windows Media Player.
Microsoft decided to sue Lindows, a new distribution of Linux that's
expected to be released in this early 2002, because its name looks too much
like their trademark Windows. First, the prefix "Lin" is a common short for
Linux (Win4Lin, LinPhone, LinCVS, LinCity, etc...), so the only part of
the name really borrowed from Windows is the "dows", which is not very convincing.
Secondly, "Windows" is very short as a trademark. Only one word, mostly a
dictionary word, can hardly be protected by copyrights. It's a little bit
like if I registred the name "Cola" and that I was deciding to sue Pepsi Cola
and Coca-Cola because they violate my copyrights...
It's rare, but Microsoft missed its marketing objectives! In fact, the
sales of Office XP are very far behind those of Office 97 while the sales
of Windows XP, that should have been able to compete with those of the legendary
Windows 95, didn't rush too much people in the stores. WinXP had inferior
sales than Windows 98, which itself had much lower sales than Windows 95!
This is what we call a commercial failure until now. They used the same kind
of advertising campaign than with Win95, even broadcasting TV ads with Madonna's
song Ray of Light, a big commercial hit like Start me up
from the Rolling Stones that was used to promote Windows 95, but hasn't
been enough to meet the expectations this time. All in all, over a US$billion
was spent for the promotion of the new operating system.
On December 11th, the site Zone, gaming site owned by Microsoft, has been
unaccessable for many subscribers following Microsoft's attempt at migrating
the site to the Microsoft.Net Passport identity authentication system. The
disruption of service lasted for about a day.
Microsoft had the cheek to ask, in the beginning of fall, a second
appeal in the antitrust case, after found guilty in a first trial and then
by an appeals court! Not only once but twice, Microsoft acts were found guilty
of violating two sections of the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act, and these guys
are still asking for another appeal! Obviously, that request wasn't granted
and the procedures were taken back to normal (or almost normal!).
Windows 95 was excluded from the list of operating systems eligible
for the upgrade version of Windows XP. Win95 users, still very numerous in
2001 (still over twice as much market share as MacOS, for example), have
to purchase the full version, that costs exactly twice as much as the upgrade
version, if they want to upgrade to Windows XP. An arguable decision for
two reasons: the great number of Windows 95 users who'll be discouraged by
the cost and that will generally forget about upgrading to Windows XP, and
the fact that Windows 95 is only a few differences away from being the same
product than Windows 98 which, for its part, is still eligible. Let's admit,
however, that this action was logical when put in the perspective that Windows
95 licensing had been officially discontinued in January 2001.
Microsoft by luck has managed to meet its expected release date for
Windows XP, but has not been as punctual with VisualStudio.Net . At first,
it was supposed to be released in the second half of 2001, but was finally
postponed to February 2002.
This ad
, published in the January 2002 edition of the monthly magazine Direction
Informatique in Québec, says: "Windows 2000 Datacenter Server can
work 99,999%** of the time". Now, look at the bottom of the page what the
little stars mean: "This percentage depends on several factors that are not
linked to the operating system, including equipments and software [...]"
... More clearly, Win2000 Datacenter Server can "not work" for 0,001% of
the time even if no other equipment or software is used! We will all agree
to say that an operating system, even server, must be able to manage "equipments
and software" without crashing...
Microsoft proudly commercialized its first gaming console, the XBox,
to enter the competition with Sony and Nintendo. Critics on the console
itself were very good, but Microsoft lost a big part of its merit when the
medias started to reveal the truth: Microsoft didn't know anything about
game consoles and, seen the lack of qualifications of its staff, paid an
external company to develop the XBox for them! Microsoft only had to assure
the advertising of the product, something they generally succeed in easily.
One day, MSN (The MicroSoft Network) wanted to put an image of hockey (Canada's
national sport) on their Canadian portal . I would have been the first
to appreciate it, but look carefully (well, I guess not SO carefully!) the
picture they put![]() |
Powhertz |
2002/01/17 |
Thanks to the following
site for the images used in this article: |